The Friends of Jesus Commitments

These commitments are promises we make to each other as a loving community in Christ. These goals are not a legal code, but an expression of who we hope to be as part of the living, growing body of Christ. Our hope is that they can be the starting point for rich conversations about what it means to be members of one another and of our Creator.

Together, we experience Jesus as our Savior and Healer, Lord and Teacher.

As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we seek the power of the Holy Spirit to turn us away from sin, brokenness and incompleteness, and to bring us into more abundant life.

We commit ourselves to:

– Love one another as Christ has first loved us

– Live a deeply rooted life through Spirit-led worship, prayer and other disciplines

– Participate fully in small groups and larger gatherings, creating a community of trust and transformation where all can experience the love and power of Jesus Christ

– Be taught by the Holy Spirit: directly, through the Bible, and through each other, encouraging the spiritual gifts of each individual to be fully used for God’s glory

– Be accountable to each other in love, compassion and forgiveness, following Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 18

– Offer the resources at our disposal to our common life and mission: time, money, energy and love

– Proactively invite others into small groups, larger gatherings and wider ministries – sharing Christ’s good news as broadly as we can

– Make God’s love visible by working for the coming and present Kingdom: for peace, mercy, justice and reconciliation

Approved, 3/4/2013
Revised, 9/3/2016